What is being said here by you all makes sense but why we don’t follow those principle thoughts in our lives is the problems not easily understood and solved. I think it has a lot to do with genetics God knows what our parents had disease and all that and the fact our brain has been subject to all sorts of misbehaves or thinking or misinformation and those negative thoughts forming in our brain during our child upbringing that makes it so difficult to get rid of those bad thoughts!

This is my kind of take on this complex mind issues that you try to point out in ur writings/ messages. Thanks anyway for all your efforts trying to enlighten us. ❤️🙏

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Jay, you are right. It has been due to our karmic conditioning as well as our upbringing. We must bring our minds inward to dissolve all the "false conditioning." You can read this post here that will help you.. https://abyvohra.substack.com/p/how-to-experience-your-true-self

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