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Words: 978 | Normal Reading: 5 minutes | Slow Reading: 10 minutes
How to Experience Your True Self and Free Yourself from Thinking?
In this article, you will learn how to transform your overthinking into Intuition. Once you know how to overcome excessive thinking, you will realize your true self, which is God within you.
How can you distance yourself from the constant thoughts?
To truly experience our True Self, we must learn to separate our deeper "I am" from the constant thoughts of things of the world. And this practice will dissolve all the thoughts.
What do I mean?
The Best Teaching of Nisargdatta Maharaj
Here's a teaching from Nisargadatta Maharaj that clarifies this practice
Read it consciously and slowly :)
"To know what you ARE, you must first investigate and know what you are NOT.
To know what you are NOT, you must watch yourself carefully, rejecting all that does not necessarily support the basic fact: "I am."
The ideas: I am born at a given place, at a given time, from my parents and now I am so-and-so, living at, married to, father of, employed by, and so on, are not inherent in the sense "I am".
Our usual attitude is of "I am this".
Separate persistently the "I am" from "this" or "that," and try to feel what it means to be, just to be, without being "this" or "that."
What is your True Self -The deeper I AM?
What is your deeper I AM? You can Call it,
God = Consciousiness = Being= Awareness = Universe = Self = Kingdom of Heaven = True Self
The spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle stated,
"The most common ego identifications have to do with possessions, the work you do, social status and recognition, knowledge and education, physical appearance, special abilities, relationships, person and family history, belief systems, and often nationalistic, racial, religious, and other collective identifications. None of these is you." - Eckhart Tolle
Your mind identifies itself with things of the world through thinking.
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What is the only purpose of the mind?
The mind has only one purpose: to produce thoughts. Thinking makes you feel like a separate fragment suspended in the universe. But on the "deeper I AM" level, all is one, and you are the universe yourself.
You are not the drop; you are the ocean
You are not the ray; you are the Sun
So, thinking degrades deeper I AM into "I am this" or I am that". This is called the descent of the divine into matter. Its pure awareness getting degraded into materialism.
Your primary purpose in life
Your primary life purpose in the world is to abide in inner Being. That is to surrender your mind into deeper I AM. In other words, awaken from the dream of thoughts and realise your True Self (Inner Being)
Whenever you are conscious of having a feeling-realization of your inner True Self, you are fulfilling your primary purpose on this earth. And you don't require anything at all. Because once you are connected to your True Self, your outer life becomes very easy and fulfilling.
Jesus said it very well: Once you realize the kingdom of heaven with you, everything is added to you.
The greatest spiritual secret of Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi gave the greatest secret of spirituality by telling what true desirelessness and wisdom are.
He says: True Desirelessness is Not Seeking anything other than your Being. The true Wisdom is to keep your mind inward, NOT leave the Being, and always Rest in Being.
This secret of spirituality is so simple that your mind will reject it immediately and make you feel dumb and stupid even to try it. But be aware. Don't let your mind succeed.
The only way to realize God is to “Keep your mind inward and free yourself from thinking.”
The Practical way to free yourself from thinking
So many people ask me for a practical way to keep their minds inward.
Simply put all your mind's attention inside yourself. If you can't do that, just feel your inner chest. That way, you are anchored in your deeper I AM, which is God itself. While doing your day-to-day activities, such as washing dishes, doing your professional job, or managing your business, keep 80% of your attention inside your inner chest or inner body. When you are not doing anything, keep 100% of your attention within yourself.
With practice, you can increase your inward attention more and more.
How do we replace thinking with Intuition?
As long as you stay in contact with your inner body, which is your full chest, while interacting with the world, you will be like a tree deeply rooted in the earth or a ship anchored in the seabed, so the storm of overthinking and emotional attack will not destroy it.
Your mind will create noise that, without full attention to the outside world you will not be able to conduct your life and maintain your relations properly. But the opposite is true. By keeping your mind in God (in your Being), God will be the doer of all worldly activities, not your mind. Your mind and body will be taken over by divinity
You will then be free from overthinking, allowing Intuition to replace thought. Realizing deeper I AM will diminish 99% of your compulsive thinking, and you will need only a few conscious actions to flourish. You will radiate life energy that would otherwise be lost in overthinking and unconscious behavior.
Take a moment to feel your True Self Now. You will feel alive and very light. This is a sign that you are experiencing your true self without thoughts.