Breaking Free from the Endless Desires
What is your one true desire that will bring lasting fulfillment?
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What If You Already Have Everything You’ve Been Searching For?
Are you ready to awaken to the truth that your life’s purpose isn’t what you do, achieve, and accumulate but what you are?
Let’s explore this profound realization together.
Your Greatest Desire Is to Be Loved and Happy
Most of us spend our lives chasing after success, possessions, and validation, believing they will make us feel loved and happy. But what if everything you truly seek is already within you?
On a deeper level, our unconscious and greatest need is to be loved and happy.
Your mind assumes that something is missing in you. Hence, you are in the continuous process of "becoming" in all areas of life. It is the constant hustle of achieving this or that.
Once your mind goes out, it turns into an ego. Once it goes inward, it becomes one with God. Be still and know that you are God.
Your One True Desire is Your Inner Self. Once you realize your inner self-that is God-you are liberated from all the desires and come home.
True Freedom From Suffering
True freedom from suffering is to know that the love you are craving is what you ARE already! You are NOT feeling that love because your mind is making too much noise. Your true nature is love, joy, and peace before identifying with all external and mental forms.
Rumi Said: "I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God."
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I Am Not Worthy of Experiencing God
Your ego is telling you that you are not worthy of love unless and until you achieve, acquire, prove, understand, finish something, and be somebody in the eyes of the world. Or you are not worthy because of the bad karma of my past. But the opposite is true.
You Already Are What You Are Seeking.
You realize God within yourself by knowing that you DON'T need to seek God.
Begin from the present moment and connect to inner Being, and you will realize that you already ARE what you are looking for.
Your Main Purpose in Life
Your inner purpose, which is your life's main purpose, is to be aware or bring awareness into this world! It concerns Being. It is not what you do but what you are- that is to say, your state of awareness! Simply put, your life purpose in this world is to awaken spiritually.
When you connect with your inner purpose, the outer circumstances change for the better. You will first realize what is no longer working in your life and then you will understand what is truly fulfilling to you. Instead of resisting negative events, you will accept and allow them without mental torture. Finally, you will exude love and oneness for all human beings.
Creation, Achievements & Possessions
If you are unaware of Being, you will find meaning only in achievement and possessions. You will always seek your worth in doing something and in the future. And whatever meaning or fulfillment you find that way, time will dissolve it. Or it will turn out to be an illusion. Any purpose we see in the dimension of time–past and future–is only relative and temporary.
If you desire to transform the world for the better but are not aligned with your inner being, eventually, whatever you create will cause you to suffer. Your ego will create hell for you, and time will destroy it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, which points to this truth.
The Greatest Realization On Your Death-Bed
The human being accumulates stuff for their whole life because the ego thinks that by owning, possessing, and achieving, it will be complete. Actually, this is an unconscious search of the ego to realize God. In other words, to realize its own being that it doesn't know.
The Being is always there to realize within, but its largely overshadowed by the ego's drive to accumulate. The whole concept of owning this or that turns out to be a meaningless exercise on our deathbed.
What Is Left of Us When We Die?
Have you seen a dash, two to four inches long, between the date of birth and date of death on people's gravestones? That is what is left of all our fears and wants associated with our problematic lives. It is a very depressing fact to some people, but if you are awakened, it is liberating for you.
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What is being said here by you all makes sense but why we don’t follow those principle thoughts in our lives is the problems not easily understood and solved. I think it has a lot to do with genetics God knows what our parents had disease and all that and the fact our brain has been subject to all sorts of misbehaves or thinking or misinformation and those negative thoughts forming in our brain during our child upbringing that makes it so difficult to get rid of those bad thoughts!
This is my kind of take on this complex mind issues that you try to point out in ur writings/ messages. Thanks anyway for all your efforts trying to enlighten us. ❤️🙏