Yes, Heaven symbolizes our higher Being, our higher consciousness. Earth can be a symbol or allegory for the lower nature and matter, the physical part of creation. The physical part of the phenomenal world is illusionary, transitory, and fleeting. Even knowledge, ability, status, and money are part and parcel of Maya. I love how Aby exclaims that my Eternal Self can never be destroyed or taken away. Unfortunately, I have identified my soul with what is temporary, and I am unaware of this attachment. This is Self-Realization, the purpose of Life! Aby, you are right when you explain the root of my fear. For many years, I thought I was not good enough, and I looked for validation outside myself. With great esoteric learning like this, I have gained a different perspective. Thank you, Aby!

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Thank you Kim

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Thank you for the kind instructions. I appreciate it so much! I will remember to keep my attention in my chest, feeling for my Being/Presence/Energy.

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Excellent insight! Thank you for sharing and helping me remember who I am! I am spirit or essence, which is my eternal being. I like it when you remind us of the transitory nature of the phenomenal world, which is constantly changing and temporary. The purpose of life is Self-Realization, which means finding the Kingdom of Heaven within. Nothing real can't be threatened!

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Thank you

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My fear is that my adult daughter will relapse in her eating disorder. I know she is not "my child" in a universal sense - she is a child of God and here on her own journey - but the urge to want to protect and try to help her is so inground and primal.

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