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Words: 1362 | Reading Time: 7 minutes | Meditative Reading Time: 14 minutes
When we think about spirituality, it often feels like we need to follow certain rituals, dive into books by enlightened authors, seek out a guru, or at least engage in practices that help us connect with the divine.
Even if you don’t believe in any of the above, your mind will at least tell you this: You need time to awaken, and you will awaken in the future.
I always receive many questions from my readers and 1-to-1 counseling participants about what they “do” to realize that silent power called God within themselves.
I can understand their dilemma. They want to experience something that can give them a glimpse of divinity while carrying on worldly affairs.
My Painful Mistakes to Find God
Truth be told, after my awakening in 2008, for 11 years, from 2008 to 2018,
I went to different spiritual ashrams to learn exotic spiritual practices and meditations.
Attended multiple meditation retreats and
Researched and read numerous spiritual books to understand and heal the inner turmoil.
But one thing I was doing all wrong. All wrong.
What I sought outside was always there in me as my inner being. This inner essence has been called “Atman, the Self, or the Kingdom of Heaven.”
It was just that I did not keep my “attention inward” to realize that divine power because my mind was too busy seeking God outside. I understood that once I seek enough outside, I will find God.
But how mistaken I was!
Some of the books from the spiritual teacher, like Ramana Maharishi, Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Krishnamurthi, and Swami Vivekananda, helped me. But my mind made me feel like an impostor when I didn't feel the blissful state like those contemporary spiritual teachers.
Why do I fluctuate between awareness and unconsciousness?
Why was I oscillating between fulfillment and anxiety?
I often ponder this.
I realize that People realize God in themselves in two ways: a rare, one-time event called Enlightenment or a slow, irreversible process accompanied by The Dark Night of the Soul, known as Spiritual Awakening.
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The Spiritual Secret I Learned from These 17 Years
The greatest secret of spirituality is True desirelessness and True wisdom.
Let’s understand True Desirelessness and True Wisdom so they will set you free for life and release you from the bondage of your mind.
We will explore this secret through “The Way of Iceberg” and “The Way of Tree” with two powerful meditations….
True Desirelessness is Not Seeking anything other than your Inner Being.
The true Wisdom is to keep your mind inward, NOT leave the Being, and always Rest in Being.
This secret of spirituality is so simple that your mind will reject it immediately and make you feel dumb and stupid even to try it.
But be aware. Don't let your mind succeed.
The only way to realize God is to “Keep your mind inward and free yourself from thinking.”
Resting in Being while active in the world is the most significant spiritual practice, and once you deeply understand this, no spiritual practice, scripture, or Guru is required, as while resting in Being, you are ONE with God all the time.
Here are the two types of Meditations to Abide and Rest in Being
1. Formal Meditation: 10 mins each in the morning and evening.
Sit in a comfortable position, or you can lie flat on your back. Close your eyes. Choose different parts of your inner body to focus your attention. Start with your head, hands, and feet in top-to-bottom order and then bottom-to-top. Scan the whole body that way. Be with each part for five to ten seconds. Feel the life energy inside those parts as intensely as you can.
Run your attention through the body like a wave, scanning it a few times, from your feet to your head and back. It will take a couple of minutes.
Feel your inner body as one whole unified energy field. Be present with this energy field and become ONE with it. You may sense emptiness, which is beautiful. You are that spaciousness. In this state, there is no future or past—only Being. Avoid distractions from wandering thoughts; return your focus to your inner body when they occur. Be in this state of “Beingness” for a while.
Start this meditation for ten minutes and increase it to twenty minutes. Above meditation is not a substitute for the moment-to-moment practice of resting your attention in Being while engaged in the world.
2. Active Meditation: How to Keep the Mind on God While Engaged with the World
Living in the world means being fully present while remaining untouched by its distractions—like a boat that floats on the water without letting the water in. As Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “For those who immerse themselves in Me with devotion, I am easily attainable.” This way of living dissolves the ego and deepens our connection to the Source.
It involves maintaining an awareness of the divine by keeping your mind inward while engaging in daily duties. Jesus said, “Realize the kingdom of heaven within, and everything is added to you.” When your attention rests inwardly on Being – God, all actions flow effortlessly as offerings to the divine.
Living in the world also means letting go of self-centered desires. It is surrendering all possessions, roles, and relationships to God, understanding they were never ours to claim. Divine love is unconditional and selfless, focused entirely on the joy of the Beloved—God itself. By living this way, the ego dissolves, and we awaken to the infinite joy of union with the divine.
My students always ask me:
How do I keep my mind inward and realize God within myself?
There are two ways you can do that.
The Way of Iceberg
Keep 80% of attention inside your inner body, like 80% of iceberg is always inside the ocean. It will make all the difference in your life. All the time, let your mind surrender to your inner Being. Always withdraw your attention from the outer world and rest it in your inner Being. Meaning resting your attention in inner chest, abdomen, hands, or palms. Even you can even keep your attention on your breath. Keep a minimum of 50% of your attention inside you. More mature spiritual aspirants keep 80% of their attention within and give 20% attention to the outside World.
By staying fully present and connecting with inner Being this way, God will guide your actions, freeing you from overthinking. Intuition will replace thought, quieting compulsive thinking and allowing you to thrive with minimal effort. You'll radiate life energy that would otherwise be lost to overthinking and unconscious habits. Then you will become non-doer and God will become doer of your life. Non-doership is the greatest spiritual practice and its only possible once you realize your being, keeping your mind inward.
The Way of Tree
A tree withstands the fiercest storms and lightning because its roots run deep into the earth, drawing nutrition, strength, and stability from the earth. Similarly, when you engage with the world—through work, family, or social interactions—keep at least half of your attention anchored within your inner chest, your inner Being, while the rest is directed outward.
With regular practice, this inward focus can grow to 80% or even 100%, creating an unshakable connection to your True Self. Like the deeply rooted tree, staying grounded in your inner body ensures that no external chaos can shake or uproot you.
Remember This:
“When you surrender your mind inward in Inner Being, the divine power takes charge of your life, and you discover that the mind and thoughts are not necessary for functioning in the world.”
Real Meditation is Resting in Inner Being
Real meditation is to become No-Thing and No-Body.
Real meditation is to become still and transcend the mind and body.
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This is extremely helpful. Thank you so much.