The Ultimate Seven Truths For Living In The World Yet Remaining Free From It!
1. Existence | 2. Love | 3. Sacrifice | 4. Letting Go | 5. Knowledge | 6. Mastery | 7. Surrender
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Words: 440 | Normal Reading: 2.5 minutes | Slow Reading: 5 minutes
1. Existence | 2. Love | 3. Sacrifice | 4. Letting Go | 5. Knowledge | 6. Mastery | 7. Surrender
To realize that there is no death, we must realize our eternal essence, our inner being. To achieve this, we must let go of the mind’s identifications with worldly possessions, roles, appearances, talents, and relationships.
We should also release the weight of personal and ancestral history, belief systems, and group identities like nationality, race, or religion.
You ask, "How do you let go of attachments to these things and relationships?
Don’t even try. It’s impossible. Attachment to things and relationships disappears when you no longer seek to find your True Self in them.
Once you let go of all of it, you will enjoy it more as there is no identification towards it. You will live in the world yet remain free from it! This letting go reveals the timeless Being in you—pure, boundless, and free. And that is God itself.
God is your inner stillness.
God is your highest state of consciousness.
God is not a separate entity. God resides within you as your inner being.
Let’s understand these seven realities deeply.
Existence: The only true existence is the eternal presence of God, the infinite essence that flows through all forms. God is your Inner Essence—the one reality that remains unchanging amidst the ever-changing appearances of life.
Love: The only true love is the love for this Infinite Presence, a love so deep that it stirs within you a longing to merge and become ONE with it.
Sacrifice: The ultimate sacrifice is the willingness to surrender everything—body, mind, possessions, comforts, and even life itself—in pursuit of this divine love.
Letting Go: True renunciation isn’t about escaping the world but letting go of selfish desires and attachments, even while fulfilling your worldly responsibilities. Attachment to things and relationships disappears when you no longer seek to find your True Self in them.
Knowledge: Real understanding lies in knowing that the same divine essence dwells within all—saint and sinner alike. This wisdom calls us to act without judgment, to help without expectation, and to extend kindness even to those who harm us.
Mastery: Mastery is about true desirelessness and wisdom. True Desirelessness is NOT seeking anything other than surrendering your mind to your inner Being. The true Wisdom is to keep your mind inward, NOT leave the Being, and always abide and rest in Being.
Surrender: The deepest surrender comes from a calm and complete acceptance of life’s challenges and difficulties. It’s rooted in a heartfelt trust that everything unfolds exactly as it should, guided by God's divine wisdom and perfect will.
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