Chasing Outer Forms Of The World
People chase outer ambitions and physical pleasures because they believe that those things will make them free from feelings of Fear or Lack. They try to fill their hollowness with worldly things. On a deeper level, their unconscious and greatest need is to be loved, and they think when they achieve this or that, the world will love them more.
What if you are so much loved by everybody that you don't crave external validation for love? Then would you try to achieve this or that continuously to impress the world?
True Freedom From Suffering
True freedom from suffering is to know that the love you are craving is what you ARE already! You are not feeling that love because your mind is making too much noise. Your true nature is love, joy, and peace before identifying with all external and mental forms.
Rumi Said: "I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God."
You are Awareness; You are God. Once you are becoming aware, you know your own godliness. But it requires the feeling-realization of your own inner being.
Freedom from suffering is the state of being free from fear, lack, and continuous wanting, which are the predominant nature of the mind. It is freedom from compulsive thinking, from the regret of the past and worry of the future. It is the end of dukkha (suffering).
I Am Not Worthy of Experiencing God
Your Ego is telling you that you are not worthy of love unless and until you achieve, acquire, prove, understand, finish something, and be somebody in the eyes of the world. Or I am not worthy because of the bad Karma of my past. But the opposite is true.
You realize God within yourself by knowing that you don't need to seek God.
You see the achievement of the past and progress in the future as a means to happiness. But the truth is, past and future are the greatest obstacles to enlightenment. You think you are not worthy of awakening as you are not good enough, but the truth is "your inner being", and "the present moment" is your immediate entry point to awakening.
Begin from the present moment, and you will realize that you already ARE what you are looking.