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How to Let the Universe Act Through You?
Do you know how to accept & allow everything in life and let the universe act through you?
If you do this "Happiness Test," which I suggest in this article/video, 95% of your unhappiness will be removed. But you need to be conscious of this happiness principle in every moment.
After giving plenty of 1-to-1 spiritual counseling sessions, I realized the main cause of people's suffering is their Mind Expectation Gap (MEG) with situations and people.
What is a Mind Expectation Gap (MEG)
If you know, there are a couple of MEG movies about Megladon Shark. So, let’s see how this MEG Devours your Happiness.
I invite you to try this small experiment and see if it's true for you!
There are two types of Mind Expectation Gap.
1. Mind Expectation Gap for Situations
2. Mind Expectation Gap for People
1. Mind Expectation Gap for Situations:
The Mind Expectation Gap for the past situations says: I am upset about something that went wrong in the past. I would feel happy and peaceful now if that hadn't happened. Did you ever observe your mind saying this? Your mind is holding onto the past and not happy at the moment, though the past has long gone. Terrible, right?
The Mind Expectation Gap for the present situation says: Something is happening now that should not be happening, and it is preventing me from being happy and at peace now.
The Mind Expectation Gap for the future situation says: Something needs to happen before I can be at peace, happy, or fulfilled, etc. And I resent that it hasn't happened yet. Maybe my frustration and anger will finally bring about the change I want.
2. Mind Expectation Gap for People:
The Mind Expectation Gap for the past, blaming people, says: Something you did, said or neglected to do in the past is hindering my current happiness and peace of mind. Have you ever observed your mind saying that?
The Mind Expectation Gap for the present, blaming people, says: What are you doing or failing to do now? It is preventing me from being happy and at peace now.
The Mind Expectation Gap for the future, blaming people, says: As you will not be doing "this" or "that", the way I wanted, I will not be at peace with myself. I think my future will be terrible as you will not be doing what I told you to do. Maybe my frustration and anger will finally motivate you to do it.
When you let go of all "Mind Expectation Gaps" that prevent you from being at peace and joy now. Then, you have discovered the secret of healing all the mind's conditioning and triggers.
How To Let Go And Heal All Mind's Conditioning & Triggers?
Remember, you are not your mind, thoughts, or emotions. You are the awareness behind them.
Every person perceived as evil or every situation that causes pain holds the potential for the greater good. This powerful blessing reveals itself, inside you and outside in the world, when you surrender to being within and forgive and bless the people and situation that caused you harm.
That's why Jesus said: "Resist not evil."
How You Resolve Quarrels, Heal Suffering, and Dissolve Unconsciousness
When you forgive and bless past painful situations and people, an intense stillness arises inside and around you. That is consciousness itself. You vibrate at the energy of peace. Anything or anybody entering into the peaceful energy will be affected by it. Sometimes, that happens immediately, and other times, it occurs later.
You will resolve quarrels, heal suffering, and dissolve unconsciousness- without making any efforts- simply by emanating the powerful silent energy of intense awareness. Awareness is your true nature when you surrender inward.