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Every moment is an opportunity to be reborn spiritually. But to be reborn into a new life, you must die before dying towards all your mental conditioning and attachments.
The Secret of Life
Your mind assumes that something is missing in you. Hence, you are in the continuous process of "becoming" in all areas of life. It is the constant hustle of achieving this or that.
Know this: What is genuinely precious is forever secure. It is your true essence. And you are That. You are Life. Awareness. Divinity.
You are not your mind and body. You are not your thoughts, emotions, or experiences. You are the “awareness'“behind them. You are the eternal being that is the source of all your human existence.
Your True Nature
You forget your true nature when your mind is identified with a thousand things of the world. Then, your divine nature descends to the material plane.
Once your mind goes out, it turns into an ego.
Once it goes in, it becomes one with God.
Be still and know that you are God.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience for a very short time…
Thoughts of the World are NOT Reality
The world has never given you anything meaningful, so how can it deprive you? Whatever is required for your spiritual evolution on this earth will be added to you once you realize your inner being.
Don’t worry about your survival in this material world. The secret to living fearlessly is to be unattached to the outer world. The more you identify with the outside world, the more terrified you will be of this earthly life.
Keep resting your mind in your inner being, and your mind and body will be used to create the purpose of God in this world.
Worldly things—knowledge, abilities, wealth, and status—are fleeting illusions, mere surface reflections of a deeper truth.
Beneath them lies the eternal essence of your being—aware, blissful, and untouched by time. One who is rooted in this understanding lives free from fear.
Realize That There is No Death
To discover your eternal essence, let go of the mind’s identifications with worldly possessions, roles, appearances, talents, and relationships.
You ask, "How do you let go of attachments to things and relationships?
Don’t even try. It’s impossible. Attachment to things and relationships disappears when you no longer seek to find your True Self in them
Once you let go of all of it, you will enjoy it more as there is no identification towards it. You are liberated.
Release the weight of personal and ancestral history, belief systems, and group identities like nationality, race, or religion.
This letting go reveals the timeless Being in you—pure, boundless, and free. And that is God itself.
To awaken to the truth that there is no death - “let go” of all attachments and mental conditioning before your physical death.
Love the title.
You nailed it, Aby! And so succinctly and perfectly! Thank you!