Why Uncertainty and the Unknown Are Blessings in Disguise?
New Beginnings are often disguised as Painful Endings
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The Sacred Purpose of Fierce Grace
Fierce grace is painful situations and suffering that comes uninvited. These are new beginnings disguised as painful endings.
Fierce grace is a painful gap between what was and what is yet to come. It is the ending of a story you once believed defined you and the beginning of something new, though that newness often remains hidden from your mind’s grasp.
Some changes may appear negative in initial experiences, but they create space in your life for something new to emerge.
Fierce grace is a sacred suffering. It confronts you with painful situations that demand your attention in the now. Its purpose is to awaken you from your compulsive thoughts. It calls you to slow down and reassess your life when distractions overwhelm you. It is the divine calling from your deeper self.
The Uninvited Arrival of Divine Fierce Grace
We do not willingly invite this fierce grace. It comes unexpectedly, often accompanied by pain. Its purpose is to awaken us.
Fierce grace presents itself as:
A betrayal from someone you know strips away your illusion of control and trust.
The loss of a loved one leaves behind only the sad and quiet space of absence.
A sudden change—a job lost, a business destroyed, a relationship broken, a dream shattered—dissolves the identity you once held onto.
A physical accident or health crisis serves as a wake-up call to the fragility of the body and the impermanence of all things.
The destruction of your greed and ambitions reveals the emptiness beneath your former life.
As the old dissolves, so does the sense of self that is tied to it, leaving you with nothing but the unknown.
Embracing Uncertainty: A Path to Infinite Possibilities
Spiritual Teacher Eckhart Tolle says: There may be a period of insecurity and uncertainty. What should I do? As the ego is no longer running your life, the psychological need for external security, which is illusory anyways, lessens. You are able to live with uncertainty, even enjoy it.
When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life. It means fear is no longer a dominant factor in what you do and no longer prevents you from taking action to initiate change.
The Roman philosopher Tacitus rightly observed that "the desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise." If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness, and creativity.
(Eckhart Tolle- Book: A New Earth)
After awakening from the old self, one can never truly go back. The mind, rooted in its attachments, feels this as a kind of death of its "familiar existence." It resists, clinging desperately to the past, to what was once known. Yet this clinging only creates suffering, as though one were carrying the weight of the past on one's back while swimming against the current in a vast ocean.
Fierce grace has entered your life to awaken you from the dream of thoughts—the story of who you think you are, the illusion you have built from past experiences. It is the force that dissolves these false identities, leaving you with the eternal truth of your Beingness.
The Mind’s Questions that Arise in the Unknown
In the face of fierce grace, a significant reorientation occurs in your life, and your mind bothers you with these questions:
Who am I now, without this identity?
What do I do with my life? What's my role?
What's my relationship with my family, friends, wife, and children?
What is my purpose if everything I built my life around is gone?
Where do I belong?
What is this pain trying to teach me?
The thinking mind cannot answer these questions. They are not problems to solve but invitations to go deeper, to surrender to the Inner Being. Fierce grace is not punishment; it is an invitation to step out of the thinking mind and the patterns that have kept you trapped and in bondage. It is part of the great spiritual unfolding.
Awakening to Your True Nature
The mind finds this unbearable, for it thrives on certainty, on labels, on identities. It cannot comprehend a state with no clear direction and solid ground to stand on. And yet, this state of “not knowing” is essential. It strips away the false and the unnecessary, leaving only the essence of who you are.
Nature reflects this truth back to us. Consider the caterpillar in its chrysalis. It is no longer what it was, yet it is not yet a butterfly. In the chrysalis, the caterpillar dissolves into divinity. It must fully disintegrate to allow what it is destined to become to emerge. This is not destruction; it is transformation.
Within you, too, lies this process. The pain of the ending is the necessary cracking open of the shell that once confined you. And within this breaking, the essence of —what you already are —awakens.
Rest in Being: Trust the Process
How long will you remain in this fierce grace? The mind will demand an answer. It will crave resolution, clarity, and the exact time when this will end. But the Being is unhurried. Time, to the Inner Being, is irrelevant. The deeper work of awakening happens in its own time.
Your main purpose in life is to keep your mind resting in Inner Being. The key statement through which you will realize God within, embodying the essence of all spirituality, is this: Keep your mind inward.
So, what do you do while you are in fierce grace? First, recognize that all “doing” will make you suffer. It’s time to "just be" and rest within your Being. This isn’t an issue to resolve. Instead, it is an invitation to let go of the stories you have clung to about who you are.
First, take a conscious breath, go within your Bein,g and ask yourself:
What does life want from me?
What is this experience revealing to me?
What stories am I holding onto, and why?
What would it feel like to let them go?
The Art of Experiencing Insecurity as a Blessing
Fierce grace is a mirror. It reflects back the limiting beliefs and attachments you’ve carried. It shows you where you have been holding on too tightly and asks you to release your emotional baggage and surrender within.
This grace, though painful, is not empty. It is fertile with possibility. Like the silence between musical notes, it gives shape and rhythm to the next movement of your life. Without it, the song cannot unfold.
And remember, this is not just a personal journey. Humanity itself is in a collective fierce grace. The old ways of being—rooted in separation, fear, and conflict—are dissolving.
As individuals and as a species, we are being called to let go of the past and step into the unknown together. The only way forward is to accept this fierce grace, surrender within, and transform like a butterfly.
Trust this process. Let go of what no longer serves. What appears as an ending is, in truth, the beginning of something greater than you can imagine. Life is not taking something from you; it is making space within you for the new to arise.
Painful endings are not suffering. It is divinity in disguise, awakening you to your true self and inviting you to surrender to God within so He can further guide your life.
Surrender Now!
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I feel like this article is addressed to me. My thoughts put together. Thank you